Thursday 24.10.2019
A combination of a short lecture illustrated with chosen films. It is mainly fun with creating films, allowing to understand this area of art from the side of an author. It is a work with a video camera, camera, lights, sound, and story. It is a meeting at the film set and the opportunity of realising unique ideas. The participants will have a chance to stand to a monster, robot, will dive into the water or fly in space. The meeting will conclude with the preparation of a short movie (live-action or animation). The workshop will be held by Paulina Ratajczak (the TWORZĘ SIĘ gallery) and Krzysztof Kużnicki (the Kamera Association).
„Przygody Bobra Tamarka: Tamarek listonoszem”, Piotr Każmierczak, POL
„Piotrek”, Elwira Małyszko, 2016, POL